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10 M&M Donut Recipes You Have To Try

When it comes to donut toppings, you have a ton of options that you can use. You can go with something simple and classic, like granulated or powdered sugar.

You can go with something a little more extravagant, such as cinnamon, or some kind of glaze. You can even go big and pig out with it, like with sliced strawberries or crushed chocolate bars.

M&M Donut Recipes You Have To Try

However, if you’re looking for a topping that is equal parts tasty and colorful, then, like us, M&Ms have to be at the top of your list of favorite toppings!

The only problem is that finding good M&M donut recipes is a surprisingly tough order. Especially if you’re looking to try something a little different with these amazing mini snacks.

Luckily for you, we have compiled a list of the best M&M recipes that you can make for yourself.

Whether you’re following them wholeheartedly, or just using them for inspiration, these are some amazing donuts that will wow any crowd!

1. M&M Cake Donuts

We’re starting this list with a recipe for a classic M&M donut.

Like many of the best donut recipes, this one avoids baking the donut and instead opts for frying the batter to cook it.

It might be a little heavier on the calories, but it’ll be hard to top that tough, crispy outside, and the soft, fluffy inside.

Of course, the donut is only part of what makes this dessert a delight. You’ve also got an amazing frosting topping, and of course, a shower of M&Ms to throw on top, which can be any kind that you want, from full chocolate to crispy, to nuts!

The donuts for this recipe don’t include a batter mold, being thrown into the fryer as dough balls. This also saves you from having to grab a whole new dough tray, making it easier for anyone to make.

(Of course, if you’re looking for a classic ringed donut shape, that’s also totally possible!)

2. Chewy M&M’s Caramel Baked Donuts

When talking about what texture your donut should be, many people might raise an eyebrow at ‘chewy’ being one of the things to look for.

However, with a recipe like this (from M&M themselves, no less!) that combines a dough that has a little bite with a perfect caramel sauce to throw on top, you’ll find a donut that is not only delicious but has texture as well.

We normally prefer our donuts with a little bite or toughness to them, but this recipe seriously blew us away.

Plus, with a few extra tips and tricks for flavor ideas, there’s plenty to sink both your mind and teeth into with this dish

Who knew that stretchy donuts could be so fun to make and eat?

3. Krispy Kreme Donuts With M&M

Now, if you’re looking for a great way to improve a donut flavor that you know you already love, you can’t miss out on this next recipe!

Krispy Kreme donuts are arguably the best donuts out there. They’re certainly one of the most popular if nothing else! And that comes down to both their perfect texture, and an amazing glaze to go with it.

So, how exactly can you improve on that with a homemade recipe?

Well, with this one, the answer is simple: By adding M&Ms, of course!

Now, to be fair, this recipe does cheat a little, by simply buying Krispy Kreme donuts, then following the rest of the steps.

That’s fine, but if you’re looking to get them as fresh as possible, and make them from scratch, then you’ll want to check out this copycat recipe here.

Plus, if you make them from scratch, you don’t have to cut the donut open, then add the M&Ms to get a tasty result.

You can simply sprinkle the M&Ms on top as the glaze sets, keeping them from spilling out and losing them!

4. Blueberry Donuts With M&M Donuts

Outside of simple old vanilla and chocolate, there might not be a more iconic donut flavor than blueberry.
So, why not make an amazing donut even better with M&Ms?

Now, technically, this recipe doesn’t have any instructions for adding M&Ms to it. It’s an amazing (but M&M-less) blueberry donut and glaze recipe and instructions.

However, this is where the lessons that we learned in the last recipe start to pay off!

As the glaze starts to set, you have the perfect opportunity to add as many different kinds of topping to your donut, M&Ms included.

If you’re looking for a nice spread of both chocolate and shells, make sure to crush the M&Ms first, then sprinkle the fragments and dust all over the glazing!

5. Peanut Butter Baked Donuts With Chocolate Glaze (With M&Ms)

Right behind blueberry, peanut butter might be one of the most popular flavors out there. Not just for donuts, but for pretty much any sweet confectionery out there.

So of course, we’d want to see how this one tastes with M&MS on top!

If you’re looking for a topping that can match the flavor of your donut and glaze, you’ve got plenty of options with the different kinds of M&Ms that you can buy.

Chocolate or crispy ones are perfectly fine here, but we think that peanut M&Ms go particularly well with this recipe!

6. Chocolate Almond Breakfast Donuts (With M&Ms)

Donuts have always been a popular treat to have at breakfast. A donut and a cup of coffee are the quickest (and often tastiest) way to start the day if you’re short on time.

So, if you’re someone that needs to be up and moving early, while still satisfying a sweet tooth, you’ll want to take a look at this next donut recipe!

This recipe manages to avoid being too unhealthy, like some of the recipes we have covered, by baking these donuts instead of frying them.

This makes them a great way of keeping a sweet-flavored donut, while not loading up on unhealthy calories.

Or, if you’re anything like we are with our cooking creations, just gives you even more chances to sprinkle even more amazing topics.

Three guesses as to what we’ll pick!

Make sure to add them while the chocolate glaze is still cooling and setting!

7. M&M Rainbow Donuts

Now, this is the sort of stuff that we love about M&M donut recipes!

It’s always nice to see a plethora of colors in a candy snack. But when you take the time to present them like these donuts, you have an instant winner, as far as we are concerned!

Combine that with the fluffy frosting clouds that the M&M rainbows come from, and you have a dessert that will go down just as well with both kids and adults.

Just make sure that you give yourself enough time to decorate them, though. These donuts can look amazing, but only if you put in the time to present them right!

8. Pumpkin Spice Donut Holes (With M&Ms)

Now, this is where we start to see the wild flavors and spice combinations.

Pumpkin spice has become one of the most popular ingredients in the last few years, and it’s not hard to see why.

Its more subtle flavors combine a lot of other classic spices that you’ll use in desserts, making for an interesting flavor blend.

So, naturally, it was only a matter of time until these blends made their way into a donut recipe.

These doughy balls look a little more like profiteroles than donuts but trust us when we say that they still taste just like a donut should.

And, of course, you can’t forget about our favorite topping!

If you’re looking to get the best coverage of M&Ms as a topping on these, make sure that you crush and break them up first.

Full M&M might be a little too heavy for the light coating that you’ll be using for this recipe.

9. Christmas Wreath Cake Donuts

If you loved the M&M rainbow cake donut that we showed you before, just wait until you get an eyeful of these amazing holiday treats!

Of course, you don’t have to use all the colors you find in a packet of M&Ms. If you’re going for a theme, like with these Christmas cake donuts, you can create something really special to share with your friends and family.

10. Sweet Corn & M&M Donuts

… Okay, here us out with this last one.

Yes, this feels like maybe the strangest dessert that you might ever have seen much less tried to bake for you and your family.

Still, given that most sweetcorn has an inherently sweet flavor to it, it’s not as crazy of a combination as you might expect.

And if you’re still having reservations, you can always replace the fresh sweetcorn with some freshly popped popcorn instead, for the perfect movie-going donut taste sensation.

Just make sure that the icing is nice and thick to stick your M&M and corn too, whichever one you choose!

Final Notes

So, from weird to wonderful, we hope you enjoy making these recipes as much as we did finding and baking them ourselves!

Anna Ingham
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